A painter and poet born in Italy, Ivo David is the founder of the artistic movement "The Fusionism, '56" originating in Europe. His first original Manifesto of Fusionisn, '56 and his book of poems Memories of an Artist are registered with the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.
He received his first art lesson from his beloved father, Arduino David who was an artist in Italy. In 1960 Ivo David had his first exhibition at the Galleria del Ponte in Naples, Italy. Many other art shows followed in Europe and Italy. In 1964 his works were exhibited at the Crespi Art Gallery, New York City; Seton Hall University (CIC), NJ; Robert Treat Grand Salon, NJ; Salon of Modern Art, Paris; City Hall, Paris; Muse de D'Unet, France; Les Salon des Nations a Paris; Ramapo University, NJ; New York University, NY; Chateau Briand, NY; Las Malamut Art Gallery, NJ; Penn and Ink Gallery, NY.
Art at the Emerson ( formerly Foyer Gallery of Art) at the Emerson Center, Vero Beach FL (Solo)
Sketches exhibition at A. Vannini Art Studio, Florence, Italy
Art by the Sea, Vero Beach Museum of Art
Art by the Sea, Vero Beach Museum of Art
Best of the Best at the AE Bean Backus Museum, Fort Pierce, FL (Juried)
Art Trail, Vero Beach Art Club
Daley & Company (Solo)
Vero Beach Art Club Member Exhibition, Vero Beach Museum of Art
Artists Guild Gallery, Vero Beach, FL
Fine Tuned, A.E. Backus Museum, Fort Pierce, FL
(Four person exhibit)
See Ivo's paintings at this exhibit
Art by the Sea, Vero Beach Museum of Art
A.E. Backus Museum, Fort Pierce, FL (Juried)
Art by the Sea, Vero Beach Museum of Art
Best of the Best, A.E. Backus Museum, Fort Pierce, FL (Juried)
Art by the Sea, Vero Beach Museum of Art
Biennale Internazionale dell'Arte Contemporanea, Citta'di Firenze, Italy
A.E. Backus Museum, Fort Pierce, FL
Biennale Internazionale dell'Arte Contemporanea, Citta'di Firenze, Italy
Biennale Internazionale dell'Arte Contemporanea, Citta'di Firenze, Italy
Award of Merit
Art by the Sea at the Vero Beach Museum of Art
First Place- Acrylics
Art by the Sea at the Vero Beach Museum of Art
Sketches and oil on canvas of Dante's Divine Comedy (Inferno, Purgatory & Paradise) permanent collection at the Museo Dantesco "Fortunato Bellonzi" Casa di Dante in Abruzzo, Pescara, Italy
Art with an Italian Accent: Painter Ivo David's Views of Vero Beach, Vero Beach Magazine, November 2010, Ellen Fischer
Vero's Voice (Cover), March 2017